Find Me

16 September, 2011

Sooooo Long!!!!!

Ya Allah!! So there is too long that I didn't post and update my blog.. Too long I didn't care about my blog.. Did I? Yes! Did you Siti? huuu ~~ ={ .. Yup.. But, it just not like that.. There's many obstacle.. although i'm quite busy right now just because i'm still following the tailoring course.. Ya, I know I know.. Maybe you're asking why that i'm still not furthering my study.. Ye la.. Lets start from basic.. okay? Even before this I didn't know how to handle a sewing machine, want more further study without taking or learning any basic about this course.. Not to mention in fashion design program..  Can't be! Anyway, in 14th Oct.. We'all gonna finish our course.. So, Siti hope after this I can get more focus for my blog.. La.. la.. la.. Wassalam ~~ =}

( This is what i've been sew when I was following this course.. ^^)

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